Friday, May 27, 2011

Learning in Statistics

On Monday we are beginning a new Math's Unit around Statistics. We will be covering many important concepts over the four week period that has been reserved for this very important Maths strand.

Below are two links that will help to reinforce learning around finding the mean (average) of a set of numbers and finding the median of a set of numbers. Enjoy! (mean or average) (median)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Power of Words

Metaphors for Tsunamis

We have been learning about these powerful natural disasters. We are also learning how to give our information reports impact by using metaphors. Here are some of the metaphors we have used for Tsunamis:
A wave of sorrow hit Japan and had devastating effects - Kate
A gaping mouth of water swallowed the land - Amber
A massive wall of water hit Japan - Mary

My challenge to you is to add more metaphors to our list.